The Most Significant Changes in VSLA Groups

In northern Uganda many women are living life of vulnerability. War which took more than 25 years had affected many families especially child education for girls. Today women are engaging themsleves in VSLA as their main source of saving money for future reference. In East Africa, people observe dry season as the time for resting from farm work. They aim to do productive things which can bring money during that period and mostly this is where families come together to help one another. I interviewed Sharon who shared her story about how groups had help her and the family.


“My life was in hell before I join Ipenya Anga women group. We would sleep hungry because there was no proper source income. Today I’m able to change diets in my house, pay for my children’s school, change dressings and also I have small business that I’m running. For this year I’m planning to build my two rooms house and to save more than the previous year.”

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“We members of Ipenya Anga women group are working together for the success of our group. We aimed to lay 20000 bricks with the help of IGA support given to us by Thrive Gulu. The money would contribute toward buying of logs for burning the bricks which in return if we sell it would give us 2 million UGS.”

-By Jacob

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