Meet Victor: Finance Officer

Victor is someone who truly values education.  He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Procurement and Logistic Management from Nkumba University, and is currently pursuing his Master of Business Administration in Accounting & Finance from Gulu University.  

Victor also values working at THRIVEGulu. He shares, “THRIVE is an organization that makes staff work hard, but staff are always free to consult with their supervisor for performance review and support.  The management at THRIVE wants all staff to achieve their individual goals, as well as the objectives of the organization. THRIVE has changed my life a lot through the advice given to me by our Country Director, my supervisor and fellow staff on everything from social issues to economic issues to issues related to work.”

Although Victor works behind the scenes in THRIVEGulu’s Finance Department, he has learned a lot about the work of the organization:  “I like working for THRIVE because of its mission statement. I always learn about the activities being done by the Counseling team and from the Empowerment staff about the Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA).”

Most importantly, Victor values the responsibilities with which he has been entrusted. He says, “I thank the Almighty God for allowing me to join THRIVE. I really appreciate what the organization is doing by giving support to the community through counseling and empowerment, and will continue to work hard to achieve our mission.”

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