Meet Alfred: Chief Administrator

Alfred is THRIVE’s “Jack-of-All-Trades.” He knows the ins and outs of THRIVEGulu better than just about anyone – from general maintenance of the THRIVE Center to scanning and archiving important documents to managing the petty cashbox, Alfred makes sure THRIVE is up and running each and every day.    

Alfred believes strongly in the values upon which THRIVE is built:  “At THRIVEGulu, all staff and the community are treated with dignity.  All are considered equal and are given the freedom to share thoughts and ideas freely, even with senior management and the Board of Directors in the United States.”  This general sense of equality and freedom has helped him grow both personally and professionally. Since working at THRIVE, he has learned new skills, including book-keeping, computer basics and some information technology.  Moreover, he has shared his ideas and opinions about how to make THRIVE operate more smoothly, such as maintaining an organizational calendar and ensuring segregation of duties with financials.

Alfred takes pride in his work:  “I am trustworthy and always available when needed.  Other staff can call on me and I’ll be sure to get the job done, even if the situation is difficult!”


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