THRIVEGulu’s humanitarian response to COVID-19

Dear friend of THRIVE,

There is a Ugandan proverb, “Sickness accompanies a waning moon; a new moon cures disease.”  Here in Massachusetts, the new moon arrived on March 24th.  Following the proverb, we should be in the remedial phase of COVID-19, rather than facing a still-upward climb.  

Our team tells us that in Gulu, like here, schools have been cancelled, gatherings suspended, transportation restricted, and marketeers limited to selling foodstuffs.  But their fight against the illness is just beginning.  This coronavirus is a bane the world over, but Northern Uganda has a population that is already struggling from extreme poverty, marginalization, and post-conflict trauma.  There won’t be any stimulus checks coming and no small business loan opportunities.  Even their greatest source of comfort—their faith, their church—is closed, and most lack access to the technology to livestream worship into their homes.  

Despite how badly our THRIVE staff want to keep thriving, they are struggling.  We must be realistic—in order to thrive, we must survive.  Today, I appeal to you for an emergency cure to help our THRIVERS remain survivors.  It is hard for me to reverse the order of these words, for it seems to undermine our very identity.  But we must embrace it as the new moon shows itself.  It is an opportunity to support those who were on the pathway to thriving, so that they can hang on long enough not to falter. 

THRIVE will modify its projects to comply with current government mandates, including suspending all group activities.  As a leader in Mental Health & Psychosocial Support, THRIVE is in a position to offer creative services that no other organization is providing.  We aim to implement the following:

  • radio programs on topics such as depression, suicide, alcoholism and gender-based violence
  • posters addressing the mental health effects of COVID-19 placed near public hand washing stations
  • mental health caravans: a speaker system on a truck broadcasting information while driving through villages
  • counseling helpline: a dedicated phone number for individuals seeking counseling services

We anticipate that $6,000 will enable us to provide these services through July 1st.  A major gift of $10,000 or more will enable us to establish a reserve from which we can draw should the moon continue to wane into the Fall. Thank you for lighting a new moon over Gulu!


Mick Hirsch 
Executive Director 

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