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Our Signature Model

The “5 to THRIVE” Model illuminates the 5 components of life necessary for an individual to THRIVE

What Does it Mean to THRIVE

Mental Health

A mind riddled with distress does not allow one to THRIVE.

Mental health is the freeing of the mind to think positively, coming to terms with the past, and re-orienting towards a self-assured future.

Spiritual Health

Living in darkness under a cloud of despair does not allow one to THRIVE.

Spiritual health involves finding inner peace and sustaining hope in the midst of adversity.

Financial Health

Poverty, dependency, debt, and servitude do not allow one to THRIVE.

Financial health aims at economic self-reliance and the ability to provide for oneself and family.

Social Health

Violence, distrust, and inequality do not allow one to THRIVE.

Social health is the restoration of peace, beginning reconciliation, and the drive to love others as one would be loved.

Reproductive Health

Lack of family planning does not allow one to THRIVE.

Reproductive health is the foundation of free, equal, and loving relationships and the generator of hope for future generations.