My Visit to Gulu


I had the opportunity to visit Uganda this past July with a group from ThriveGulu. I was so excited about my trip and my chance to fulfill a dream of mine to go to Africa. There were many great experiences, but my favorite part of the trip was meeting with the women from two of the women’s groups.  They were so friendly from the start with their common greeting of “you’re most welcome (here)” when they introduced themselves to us.  We did four days of workshops where we heard their challenges and triumphs.

I was most impressed by their strong faith and reliance on God to get through difficult things. I loved the spiritual songs that they sung to us.  It was hard to hear the songs and not get a little teary eyed. Even though we didn’t know the words; we felt their faith.  I miss the friends I made and I think of them often.


Honestly, I was very nervous at first about going to Uganda. Based on the history of the region some people thought I was crazy to go, and I also had my reservations. While there, we had a Ugandan native named Chris who was our guide. He was with us for the whole two weeks. He was well acquainted with the best areas to travel and how to get everywhere. There wasn’t one minute where I felt unsafe.

This trip was a wonderful experience, and a first hand look at the differences Thrive is making in the community. Especially on the lives of the women that use the center regularly. They draw a lot of strength from meeting with their group each week. They said to us many times their appreciation for Thrive and the impact on their lives whether it be the support they needed to start a business or emotional support through their challenges.


By Karen


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