Meet Vincent: Literacy Manager

Vincent holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies from Gulu University, as well as a Diploma in Social Work and a Certificate in Social Mobilization and Community Development. Vincent values formal education, but to a large extent, he feels his best education has been working hands-on with individuals and communities. It is through practical experience that he feels he is best able to acquire new knowledge and skills for working with THRIVEGulu’s target beneficiaries. Vincent has enjoyed being assigned different roles at THRIVE, which has helped him become multi-skilled: “At THRIVE, I feel I am able to give a helping hand in all departments; even outside the workplace I can easily adjust and fit myself to any community, hence increasing my flexibility levels. I am definitely a team player and very flexible!”

Vincent is proud to work at THRIVEGulu and shares, “Empowering over 1000 people who are in 25 VSLA groups, helping them become self-reliant in their day-to-day activities is very powerful. My job is to help others change their lives for the better! I help our beneficiaries realize that they are not ‘poor,’ at least not poor in spirit or in ‘natural resources.’ I help them realize how to engage in meaningful income-generating activities and manage their finances. Among the 25 THRIVE groups, hundreds of people have improved their literacy skills – they now have basic reading and numeracy abilities, which help them operate their small businesses. Literacy also helps build their self-confidence and their pride!”

Beyond the walls of the THRIVE Center, Vincent has formed many positive relationships. He shares, “THRIVE has created a very good rapport with different stakeholders and beneficiaries. This makes our work in the field much easier, but also very satisfying.” However, Vincent feels most connected to his THRIVE colleagues, considering them as part of an extended family: “Together we have very good team spirit. Everyone is accountable and transparent to each other. The THRIVEGulu staff are like brothers and sisters to me!”

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