Meet Lawrence: THRIVEGulu Counselor

Lawrence is one of the newest additions to the THRIVEGulu team.  His past experience at the Center for Children in Vulnerable Situations, and his education in Social Work and Social Administration from Uganda Christian University have prepared him well for the challenging work of THRIVE.  Like all of our counselors, Lawrence has completed the Trauma Management Training Program through the Center for Victims of Torture. He holds the promise of a new generation of Ugandan counselors to deliver quality mental health care to survivors of war, gender-based violence and other forms of trauma and psychological distress.

“I have always considered my counseling approach to be holistic.  That means, I bring a bit of psychotherapy and social work into my interactions with clients – you might call this psycho-social support.  I like THIRVE because the approach is also very much holistic.  I like how THRIVE uses a comprehensive strategy of counseling, economic empowerment and literacy to help individuals improve their quality of life.”  Already, Lawrence has a strong understanding of THRIVE’s unique holistic model of psycho-social support and empowerment – he is excited to contribute his gifts and graces to THRIVE’s leadership in this field.

Reflecting on some of his own unique qualities, Lawrence states, “I am a loud thinker!  I am open-minded and always ready to accept feedback, but I also feel comfortable expressing my thoughts and opinions because I am committed to making a positive difference.”  In his free time, Lawrence is a writer and poet, signaling a creative side that he also brings into his work as a counselor.  “This is ‘WHO’ I am, but I also want to help people discover ‘WHO’ they are!”

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