Interview with Christine, Senior Counselor


We caught up with Christine, our senior counselor, one morning at the center last week while she was waiting for an individual therapy session.

What do you enjoy about being a Counselor?

I love supporting those who need psychosocial support as a result of difficulties they are going through which affect their functionality and resilience. I like seeing people with faces free of depression signs and symptoms thus those with smiling faces. I enter in the lives of clients when they are at their worst stage, and then it feels great to see clients leave when they are at their best.

Being a counselor also helps me to deal with my own emotional and psychological issues that affect my functionality


What do you think is special and important about counseling services at THRIVEGulu?

Our new group therapy program is very effective. Our approach of meeting groups and explaining to them psychosocial symptoms and the impact of mental health issues acts as a checkup for individuals before coming for counseling. The counseling sessions are in depth and we hold many sessions with each client, so that they get the long-term support they need to overcome their challenges.

What are your expectations and plans for World Mental Health Day?

We want to use World Mental Health Day to help more people understand the need for mental health, especially rural people who hardly get access to mental health information and treatment. We want to help deliver treatment to those in need through community health centers, as well as engage local government officials, especially those in key positions, so that they allocate enough funds for mental health programs.

In those I plan to actively participate to pick key information necessary for my work and my own learning.


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