International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day

Each year in September, the international community commemorates International Literacy Day, a day to raise awareness about the importance of literacy not just for communication, but also for its ability to empower.

As UNESCO, the lead sponsor of ILD, describes, “Literacy empowers individuals and improves their lives by expanding their capabilities to choose a kind of life they can value [and is] a driver for sustainable development.

Literacy is an integral part of education and lifelong learning.” In this time of lockdowns, curfews, and school closures, access to literacy has been even more difficult in areas with limited electricity, connectivity, and technology.

And so, the theme for International Literacy Day 2021 is “Literacy for a Human-Centered Recovery: Narrowing the Digital Divide.” In honor of this important day of awareness, we are running this special campaign to raise funds to build a Library & Resource Center on our THRIVE campus in Gulu.

Our THRIVERS want to share their new skills and passion for reading with their children and grandchildren, but they don’t have the books to do so—our library will be stocked with culturally-appropriate and locally sourced books.

They want to market their products on the internet and apply for jobs online, but don’t have computers or wi-fi in their homes—our media center will be set up with free wi-fi and current technology.

They want to study in the evening, but many don’t have electricity in their homes—our entire center will be upgraded to solar power to provide consistent electricity.

You can help the people of Gulu bridge the digital divide that holds them back. Your contribution to our Library & Resource Center will extend our literacy program from individual learning to family sharing and will help the entire community move beyond its lost opportunities toward a future with hope.

More info: How the LRC fits into THRIVE’s holistic program.

You t0o Can Get Involved

1- Help Build a Library in Gulu
2- Kids can have an impact on northern Uganda, too.



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