History of THRIVEGulu

Eight years ago, Suffolk University Professor Emerita Judy Dushku had a vision –survivors of one of the world’s most traumatic episodes wrought by Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army needed a safe space in northern Uganda to gather, share stories, recover from mental trauma and reclaim their lives.

From humble beginnings, THRIVE has grown into an organization with 13 local, professional staff, including mental health counselors, literacy and media specialists, empowerment professionals, and finance experts. These 13 individuals work tirelessly day after day to support 25 Village Savings and Loan Associations with a total membership of over 1,000!

THRIVERS learn the art of saving money collectively, managing finances securely, and taking out loans responsibly in order to improve their small businesses, pay medical expenses or send their children to school.

Additionally, our counselors provide individual, family, and group counseling, facilitate mobile mental health clinics, conduct regional psychoeducation classes and offer psychological interventions to teachers and students in public schools.

Every day, someone new learns how to write her name, hand-craft a sign to advertise a small business, or read a favorite Bible verse in her native language. Men and women stand side by side as equal partners in lucrative savings and loan programs, reducing gender-based violence and offering hope for the next generation.

From an original vision to build a community of strength, hope and healing has grown an organization nationally recognized as a leader in innovative psychosocial interventions. From survivors to THRIVERS, our credo rings true: “Together We THRIVE!!!”

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