
DSCN3532 Nearly two years ago we embarked on “lighting up” our part of Gulu. Our “Christmas Lights for Gulu” campaign raised over $8,000 to bring electricity to the newly constructed center.

The project has taken many twists and turns. Ugandan Government programs held the hope that we could not only electrify the center, but light up all the homes within a mile radius. The condition was that THRIVE and the community, had to raise 30% of the total cost. Encouraged by the challenge, we brought together local leaders, community members and businesses. We formed a loose coalition and developed a plan to raise funds locally.

We returned to the government to report our progress, and took steps to implement this life-changing project. Engineers came out and within a few short months we had the formal offer from the government. Sadly, with the large total amount charged for the project, the expectation of raising 30% of the cost from the poverty-stricken Gulu community became unrealistic. The mayor of Gulu traveled to the capital to plead with government officials on our behalf. Despite his efforts, the news came back that nothing could be done to bring down the cost.

The community was still dedicated to bringing the project to completion, and came up with innovative ways for us to move forward. The winning proposal was to split the project into two, with phase one starting soon and phase two to begin in a few years, once the rest of the money was raised.

If we had waited for government buy-in for the project, it could have been years before it got off the ground. Realizing this, we called a meeting with all the parties involved to discuss this painful reality. The community wanted to see THRIVE with electricity. We decided together to use the money collected to purchase a step-down transformer that would be able to supply electricity to THRIVE, but be ready to add homes and other establishment in the area when the necessary financing has been secured.. The community wanted THRIVE to grow and bring healing to the region.

Today local engineers are well on the way to completing the installation of a transformer and by March THRIVE will have electricity. Although we are dedicated to serving the community, the decision by the community to support THRIVE is humbling. Soon, our center will no longer have to rely on expensive and inefficient generators. The transformer will allow us to add night classes and other activities to our schedule and expand other services for our many clients.

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