Dorothy’s trip to Gulu

This guest post was written by Dorothy (above, left, in the market in Gulu), one of our loyal supporters.

In March, I traveled with 8 other US women as an Advocacy Group for THRIVEGulu to Gulu, Uganda. There, we volunteered for five days at the THRIVE Center, meeting many of the 1000 people empowered through this incredible organization! These women are healing from the traumatic events of war and working to make a better life for themselves and their children.

At the THRIVE Center, we taught a business management class, an HIV awareness class, but mostly we connected with the women on a personal level, learning their stories and showing them that people outside their own villages really do care. These women taught us even more than we did them, with their resiliency, strength, positive attitude and love of life.

After my trip, I held a fundraiser so that with the help of others, we could enable THRIVE to purchase a much needed vehicle. We, in fact, raised enough money for THRIVE to buy 2 motorcycles, so that the administrators of the THRIVE Center could travel more easily to the outlying villages to extend their services to even more of the Gulu families.  It was a great honor to have accomplished this goal with such giving and caring friends and relatives.

Please join us to give back even more to these wonderful Gulu people as their needs are still plenty, and there is more that THRIVE can do to help them become independent and self-sustaining.  I have never met such amazing group of women!

By Dorothy

For more information about how you can support us or join one of our trips to Gulu, contact us at!

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