Counselor Lucy Joins THRIVEGulu! Part 2/2

In this second post, Lucy shares the rest of her story and joining the counseling team.


 Lucy waits for her next client session on the grounds of the THRIVEGulu center

“The in-depth individual and group counselling has more time, better solution, builds better self-image and leads to improved functionality. It is the power of the integrative approach being used: there is economic empowerment, basic education, therapeutic support with trauma healing at the center. This has internal referral points and eternal ones. Also THRIVEGulu has family counselling with follow-up leading to re-union of clients with estranged family members or other members in community. I saw that peer counselors are also trained and help in the community. Clients in individual sessions refer to them, hence THRIVEGulu has created a tool for sustainable mental health services in the community.

The 20 years of war debilitated the land so much. The psychosocial approach used by THRIVEGulu, with trauma healing at the center, is great because without counseling at the center, all the other support may amount to nothing. Allow me quote a common story by an NGO, that found that cows were given and yet the community would not own them. Rather, they refer to them as the organization’s, because of the psychological aspects. Hence this psychosocial approach is relevant as it leads to communal ownership of activities. The adult group therapy has been great, with a lot of referrals and networking ongoing for bio medical support. THRIVEGulu has also trained teachers in psychosocial support, and the resource person’s professional touch is encouraging. This also adds to sustainability of the effects of our programs. Staff development is noted with positive growth leading to efficiency and effectiveness.

My favorite thing about counseling is when clients’ functionality, resilience, productivity, self-esteem, and self- image improves. The process of counselling is client centered, whereby rapport is built, I empathize and not sympathize, ethical issues are considered, and the client is educated about psychological issues; all this helps the client to open up and problem identification is done. It’s not about what I know but what the client is saying and helping the client understand herself or himself, their situation and inner thoughts, which helps in healing process.”

By Lucy, Interviewed & Prepared by Jacob

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