Cheryl’s trip to Gulu

As I sat on the plane during our 17 hour journey to Gulu, Uganda in March, I realized I had no idea what to expect. Living my life in Alexandria, Virginia as a nanny, mother, grandmother, neighbor, and friend, keeps me busy and occupied in my own safe world. I knew my daughter Laura, one of the leaders of this trip, had made arrangements for us to meet with 3 families, to interview them in order to hear their stories, along with learning how THRIVEGulu has helped them. I realized as our feet touched down in the city of Entebbe, and we made our way through the streets of Kampala, the Capitol, on the road to Gulu, I wasn’t ever going to view life the same again.

As we met with the three families, I walked around snapping photos, while Laura conducted the interviews. As much as I loved taking photos, I found myself drawn back to the interviews, as each story was fascinating. The faith of Mildred, her courage to travel alone, trying to find a doctor to help her, as she knew she was ill, was heart wrenching and heartwarming. As Alfred and Janet shared their stories of being abducted at very young ages, and their ultimate escape 9 years later, kept me captivated and inspired by their ability to still laugh, and be an example to those around them. When we arrived at David and Filder’s it was impressive to see the newly brick home under construction, that Filder has worked hard to pay for by selling her fruits and vegetables at the local market in town. Each family member, both young and old, was an example of tenacity. Each story could make for a novel of it’s own, along with an award winning screenplay.

by Cheryl

Join Cheryl and the rest of our family of Thrivers in supporting our work in Gulu by donating today! You can also email us at for information about how to join one of our advocacy trips. People like Cheryl, who bravely take the time to connect with another culture and listen to others’ experiences, are what keeps us going as we work to heal from the trauma of conflict and rebuild the community in Gulu. We invite you to join us!

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